Magnetic resonance tools, easy to use.

DTA to CSV converter

Current verison: 0.9.2

DTA to CSV converter is a program that converts binary files created by Bruker Elexsys xepr to ascii csv file for easy reading and accessibility. A plot of each file can also be saved as jpg, png and PDF format.

You can input a single file, a folder or a root folder to have files converted and plotted at the same time. The program also provides phasing for file with quadrature detection data.

DTAtoCSV program is cross-platform and can be used in Linux and Windows. MacOS application will soon be released. If you prefer a lighter program that only creates csv files, please use version 0.9.1

[Note that this program only converts Bruker DTA files which have a DSC file in the same directory, it is not a global DTA to CSV converter]

Screen shots

DTA to csv & plot converter screen shot


Download current version (0.9.2, with plot functionality):

Operating system Download Comment
Windows (32/64 bit) Icon DTA to csv converter windows executable file (v 0.9.2) (98.8 MB) Use the exe file to run. The application may take a while to open due to loading of default packages. If the applications closes unexpectedly the first time, try to reopen it.
Linux (32/64 bit) Icon DTA to csv converter linux executable file (v 0.9.2) (55.0 MB) To execute the application in Linux, CD to folder containing the code and run ./DTAtoCSV


Download previous versions:

Version 0.9.1
Operating system Download Comment
Windows (32/64 bit) Icon DTA to csv converter windows executable file (v 0.9.1) (40.5 MB) Use the exe file to run.
Linux (32/64 bit) Icon DTA to csv converter linux executable file (v 0.9.1) (38.3 MB) To execute the application in Linux, CD to folder containing the code and run ./DTAtoCSV


2016.10.02 version 0.9.2:

  • Added functionality to create plot file along with the csv file
  • Jpeg, png and PDF are supported now

2016.09.27 version 0.9.1, initial release:

  • Open and read DTA (and DSC) files created by Bruker xepr software as a single file or in folders
  • Save file as simple data file in tab-seperated csv
  • Auto-phase the data or take the absolute value of channels in the case of files with quadrature detection data